02 December 2009

World AIDS Day

I'm with Brian on this one. Er…let me explain…

It's World AIDS Day as I write this (the day doesn't end until I go to bed) and I have a shopping list of items that I would like to get as gifts on this day.

The serious version:
• Stable and adequate funding for AIDS organizations and those working with populations vulnerable to HIV infection
• Appropriate prevention activities for all who might encounter a risk of contracting HIV
• Appropriate HIV sensitization activities for all
• Affordable and effective medications for people wherever they live — and the same standards for defining what that means
• Accessible medical follow-up for all
• Judges who recognize that personal responsibility is shared when two people are involved
• Effective interventions to proactively address the issue of stigma and discrimination related to HIV/AIDS
• Policy decisions based on science and not ideology
• A cure?

And just to keep it light:
• A wealthy, generous and doting boyfriend so that I can be what I have always wanted to be — a volunteer!

Only 364 shopping days until the next World AIDS Day….

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